Saturday, 21 March 2015

How can we flash a new image ?

2.     Flashing a new image on Intel Edison

You may buy a Edison with a certain image pre-installed and later find out that a new image has been released. In this case, you may want to upgrade to the new image. The following steps are to be followed in order to do so in Windows

You first need to delete the existing image.

  1. Open a Command Prompt Window
  2. Type the drive letter of Edison(For example E:, in case Edison is on E: Drive) and Press Enter
  3. Type in del * and press Enter.
  4. You will be prompted to say “Yes” to continue performing the delete action. Type y and press Enter.
  5. All Files should now be removed. Type in dir to check that all the files have been deleted.

You can now download the latest image and flash it to Edison.

  1. Download the latest file from here - choose the "Edison Yocto complete image".
  2. Unzip the contents and move these files into the Edison drive - *note – copy and replace any conflict files*
  3. Your Edison Drive should now look like this –

  1. Open Device Manager By clicking Start and typing Device Manager
  2. Scroll down to “Ports (COM & LPT)” and take note of the COM number listed under “USB Serial Port (COM#)”. 
  3. Open PuTTy.
  4. Putty will launch the session screen.
  5. Check the Serial radio button under Connection type.
  6. Enter the COM port number that was assigned to your board under Serial Line.
  7. Set the Speed (Baud-rate) to 115200.
  8. Click Open to start your puTTy session.
  9. Press Enter twice to see the login prompt.
  10. Type in root and press Enter – *note, if you have previously configured Edison, use root and your password credentials that you configured*
  11. Type in reboot ota and press Enter (*warning* this will erase everything on your Edison including configuration settings)
  12. Your Edison will reboot and begin the flashing process with the latest image
  13. When Edison is done flashing, you should see this screen – IMAGE
  14. Note, since you have just flashed the image on Edison, any previous configuration settings (name, password, WiFi networks) will need to be configured again.

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