Saturday, 21 March 2015

How to transfer files to and from Edison ?

3. Transferring files to and from Intel Edison

You can't have two machines being the 'master' of the same partition at the same time, so you need to switch the owner. The g_multi driver allows the remote PC to become the master, and cannot allow the Edison to also be writing to the disk at the same time.

You first need to mount the contents of the Edison Drive on your Windows to a local directory in Edison.

Type in the following commands to do the above-

  1. rmmod g_multi
  2. mkdir /update
  3. losetup -o 8192 /dev/loop0 /dev/disk/by-partlabel/update
  4. mount /dev/loop0 /update

You can now see the contents of the Edison drive in /update. Since it is writable, you can also put files in there.

To reverse this, and make it available on your host machine:
  1. cd /
  2. umount /update
  3. modprobe g_multi

Then pull the usb cable and re-insert it, at which stage the disk should re-appear on your host machine.

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